The Beauty in Bravery

Over the next few weeks, we will be doing some #flashbackfriday posts to feature some of our wonderful posts from the past.
Here is a beautiful story of love, adoption, and courage.

Tupelo Bloggers

Written by Bethany Ramsey


What makes someone brave? Wouldn’t it be fair to say that it’s someone who posesses or exhibits courage? I believe that there is outrageous beauty in bravery. Often what causes us to be brave is anything but beautiful. An illness or disease, a frightening new season of life, obstacles we must overcome to accomplish something…all of these are situations that call the endurer to be courageous, and this is where the beauty lies- in moving through.

“Special needs,” “mentally challenged,” “disabled,” “abnormal”…all of these terms, in addition to several more, have been used to describe my son. He was born a twin, too early, and had brain trauma which resulted in a 3 month stay in the NICU of a tiny village in central Ukraine. We knew nothing of his existence until 2016, when we received a picture of a tiny little boy who needed help…

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